The Demolishing of the Ideology of Countryism, Colonialism, Capitalism, and Churchism within the Church.
Matthew 16:18, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Haggai 2:9
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Hello and welcome to RECONSTRUCTION; my name is Ray Mingo; I am an author, speaker, blogger, philanthropist, and, more importantly, a born-again believer and father. To the Church in America, grace be unto you and internal peace from the three branches of the Ousia of the Godhead. The divine Ousia came in the form of mortal man so He could go through the human experience and thus be able to apply empathy for humanity with love for them (John 3:16). He who has also given to those who believe in him the gift of the Holy Spirit which nourishes us with the Fruit of the Spirit, and fortifying us with power through the gifts of that same Spirit which are operated through love.
I write not to America but to the Church in America, admonishing you of the reconstruction which is to come and is already upon us. I write to the American Church or the Church in America. Or maybe I should say to God's Church (people) who have become institutionalized by this system. I don't know which because distinguishing between the two has become increasingly difficult. As Paul said, evil men, have crept into the Church to use it for their own agenda, blinding followers and even church leaders. Men who have turned faith to turn into fascism and spirituality take on the face of White supremacy. This caused a pushback and rise of Black extremist exclusivity where the Church becomes a battleground for these two warring factions. It has become a place where those who say they received justification through faith use it to justify injustice, where the Beatitudes are replaced by the bad attitude of bigotry, where the destiny of the Church led to Manifest Destiny, and where hate has become the holy grail. For these reasons, reconstruction of the Church, Christianity, and how the world and the believers view Christ(Matthew 16:13-20) has become increasingly necessary.
As with any reconstruction process, demolition is a crucial, inescapably part of that process, a part that looks destructive and indeed is. Apostle Paul admonishes the Church that Scripture and the power of the Holy Spirit are the tools used for this reconstruction and demolishing process (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5). At this crucial phase, God will dismantle, tear down, pull down, pull apart, rip to shred, correct, and demolish everything that is not like Christ, leaving debris and ashes where the Americanized structure of the Church once stood.
It is an ugly process of destructive and reconstructive intent that will take the Church from spiritual ruins to spiritual revitalization. From the book of Genesis to the book of Revelations, we can read stories of this (GOD'S) demolishing and reconstruction process. Even on this site, some posts you read may come off as destructive criticism of the Church and, for that matter, of America. Again, this site isn't to America, nor about the reconstruction of America, but to and for the Church. The reconstruction of America will only come about when the Church is reconstructed (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Throughout centuries, and particularly in this society, the Church and the name of Christ have been attached to the most heinous, oppressive, and deceptive acts on humanity when Christ came to do the complete opposite of these acts of oppression (John 10:10). The Church must once and for all detach itself from such a history and ideology and dissolve itself from the carnage, acts of oppression, and inhumane treatment of humanity. For these were the actions of evil, selfish, greedy men, not God. Again, this site is not created for America but for the Church (churches) in America, a Church that has been Americanized and despiritualized, thus spiritually desensitized and unrecognizable from the Church in the book of Acts. This assimilation into a system of which the Church was warned not to be (Romans 12:2).
My brethren, the Church in America now stands at the precipice of its demise because it has embraced, emulated, and assimilated into a system based on and founded on the ideology of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, and churchism and not founded on the teachings of Christ. The Church has camouflaged itself with these isms that one can't tell the difference between the Church of Christ and this world's system. America, to which the Church was sent to preach the message of grace, freedom, and salvation, has embraced the hate, bondage, and oppression of it. The Church was to be the transformer, but it became transformed. It was sent to convert but became converted. It was sent to preach the good news that set the captive free but became the vehicle of oppression that put men in bondage—aligning itself with this nation's oppressive history, centuries of injustices, and cruelty to humanity.
Paul admonished the Church of Philippi not to let the world's mindset, attitude, appetite, or thinking to consume, co-opt, or conform them instead to be transformed into the image of Christ; to let the Church's mind and desire be the same as the One who built it; to return to being the source of spiritual freedom, and social freedom, as John puts it "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." Those who call themselves Christians, who willingly hold on to the history, ideology, and practice, and are patriotic to such a system, whether overt or covert intent, are not who they claim to be. No matter their title, name, claim to fame, social, economic, political, or religious status, even no matter the good deeds they do, they are not who they say they are._but are those who have crept into the Church; they are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees without fruit and uprooted—twice dead (Jude). There is no equivalency of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, and churchism, of this poli-socio-religious system to Christ.
The Church will be reconstructed into the image of Jesus Christ, for He is the one who gave the ultimate sacrifice. He is the one who has established the Church on the secure foundation of his testimony. It was He who died and rose from the dead, declaring all authority in heaven and earth, and he who has constructed us in the newness of life. And who will give abundant life to any who confesses and believes He is the Son of the living God; and because of that, his Church will survive in the most adverse societies (Matthew 16).
Finally, brethren, God is a Spirit, and believers must worship him in the Spirit and truth (John 4:24); we as believers were born of that Spiritual (John 3:7-15), and the Church is a conduit and conductor of the spiritual power of the Spirit: Acts 1:8. And so the Church must return to this spirituality that displays its spiritual power. That spiritual power causes believers not just to be able to win spiritual warfare but to align themselves to social responsibility, positivity, justice, and freedom, not to irresponsibility, hatred, genocide, oppression, injustice, and greed. A Spiritual Church that demolishes these social infractions; is the antithesis of social evils. Jesus not only died for the spiritual redeemer, but his very life threatened and angered the oppressive poli-socio-religious system. For that matter why the Apostles became martyrs because their spirituality mimicked that of Jesus and thus threatened and angered the same oppressive poli-socio-religious system. For the Church to refuse God's reconstruction prosses is for it to accept its own demise; to be unwilling to change and disconnect itself from the carnage of this society's history means that it will only delay, forfeit, and relinquish the benefits of being reconstructed in His image.
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts. ~Haggai 2:9
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