A reprobate mind is when one can live in, accept, and be silent about a corrupt, greedy, and selfish lifestyle. Those with this condition justify and are accepting of others who justify and participate in injustice/wrongdoing/sin; these are not the fruits of one who genuinely desires to please God or who has a love for humanity. They are fruits spawned from a corrupt tree. But they go to church and are church leaders. A seared heart is a state of moral insensitivity, where someone's conscience is numb to wrongdoing and unable to discern right from wrong. They think it's ok to hate as long as that hate benefits them. In this condition, one can live in covert or overt jealousy, envy, hate/bigotry and be ok with it. But they go to church and are church leaders, too. There is comorbidity between the two conditions (a reprobate mind and seared heart) that needs to be acknowledged by church folk through repentance. Why? The question becomes: Is the church a hospital that helps the sick or a warehousing that hoards the sick? Are we the cure or the cause? The Church has pampered comorbidity so long that it seems normal to live in that condition, and some have resolved to unfortunately die in that condition. Living in this comorbidity for so long has been easily ignored and sanctimoniously hidden behind piety and the many religious corporeal things one does until it's too late, until the consequences are irreversible. Therefore we must heed the warning signs and take apropreiate actions (Matthew 7:22-25).
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling or falling into sin, and to present you unblemished, blameless, and faultless in the presence of His glory with triumphant joy and unspeakable delight, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and power, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
Be well and stay blessed,