False prophets use the same thing true prophets use_they; both use truth. One major distinction of a false prophet is that they use truth for selfish evil intent, not necessarily telling a lie but using the truth for the wrong reason, the immoral, and selfish purpose. So it is not the truth they build on but evil purpose/intent. It is very difficult to show the intent of one's heart; that's why these preachers, prophets, and pastors do what they do; they bask in the covertness of their intentions. And though it is difficult for a man to prove the intent of someone, not so for God (1Samuel 16:7). And because God knows the hearts of these preachers, prophets, and pastors, it is why the Lord has cited the American Church for reconstruction, first by demolishing the greatness of that which these men have built (Mark 13:1-2) and then building the Church on the Solid Rock not on Plymouth Rock (Matthew 16:13-18). Reconstruction is coming.