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"There is nothing wrong with it. They do good things. It's part of my culture." These are just some excuses we use to justify being a part of something that is occultism. Now, to be clear, culturalism is not occultism, but everything in one's culture is not right. The believers must ask themselves: Is there anything I am now a part of that my conscience would be clear of at the end of my life? The individual often knows the answer to this question, but because they see no end to their life any time soon, they will juggle those things, like one who skillfully juggles multiple balls in hopes of not dropping any. Oftentimes believers refuse to disconnect from those things/organizations because it gives THEM status (It's a status builder). We are so status-driven in this country that we involve ourselves in; we buy into, we wear, and the vehicle we purchase is for no other reason than the status it represents and gives us when connected with or having those things. Some things are blatant occultism, but because they do good things, we use that as an excuse to be connected to them. But doing "good" doesn't make a thing right. People can do good, but they do it for evil intent and not to be faithful to the cause of Christ. That's why the Scripture says, "good and faithful servant." So if someone's good has an evil agenda or is not faithful to the cause of God and whatsoever is good, that good becomes evil.

So, it is not so much the act/action of a thing or person but the cause that that action is tied or connected to. Satan can give you good things, things that look good, taste good, sound good, and feel good, but he has an evil agenda behind all that good stuff, or what he gives is connected to an evil cause. The perfect example of this is found in Luke 4:1-3 where Satan told Jesus all the good things that could happen if he did this or that and if he fell on his knees and gave himself over to worshiping and idolizing him (Satan). But Jesus said in so many words, 'I'm good.' So, no matter how good, no matter how much good it does, how good it feels, no matter what good times or status one may receive from being connected with it, if it's associated with evil, it's not right and ultimately not good for you. Just because someone is good to you doesn't mean that they're good for you. Evil's greatest potential is the good it can bring you. This is not to say that believers can't have a good time, enjoy good things, and have a good life, but the believer must walk circumspect and not suspect in the world as Paul encourages believers in Ephesians 5:15-20

In conclusion, it becomes most advantageous that leaders take heed and pay close attention to this conundrum, this meshing of what's good from what's right, because sheep will follow where shepherds lead. The question is, are the shepherds leading them to peaceful waters or to a slaughterhouse to be cut in pieces?



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