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Updated: Mar 27, 2023

It worries me that the Church believes that certain sins are worthy of God's grace while others are worthy of death and His condemnation. Believers who use the hands of this system to condemn others, the same system that has engaged in the most inhumane egregious acts on humanity, calling them acts patriotism, and having the gall to call them acts of God and using His word to justify those heinous acts perpetrated on humanity by claiming them to be acts of Manifest Destiny. Their evangelicalism and the system to which they pledge their allegiance has caused them to degrade, dehumanize, demoralize, and destroy communities, culture, and children of those for whom Christ died. These so-called leaders and their parishioners have chosen fascism over faith. They have chosen covert and overt racism over the compassion of Christ. It is for this reason that at every plateau of life and the existence of humanity, those who call themselves Christians should request that God evaluates and contest their intentions, put their motives on trial, scrutinize their mindset, sift out every corrupt, impure, detestable, rotten, unpleasant, evil intent, indulgent, and unjust thing, for those things are the antithesis of what Christ came to do. (Psalm 139:23-24)

This was the exact intent of the Pharisee's hearts when they brought the woman caught in adultery to Jesus. Not only did the Pharisees seek to stone her, but their parishioners did as well. Neither of them tried to help this woman, and none tried to find out why she chose this particular lifestyle; to give her a better alternative to her life's choices or how they could assist, they only offered judgment and death and had only bad intentions for this woman caught in adultery and for Jesus. Because for them, it is never about sin but their allegiance to a system; it is and was not about Christ but anti-Christ. Because the Church has colluded with and assimilated itself with and into a system that uses two sides of the coin for selfish agendas by making wrong look right and right look wrong, saying darkness is light and light is darkness, bitter is sweet, and sweet is bitter, it makes the Church culpable to such evil deception, to the extent that these dark clouds have obscure the light of the Church. Making the Church more of a holding facility where things are held rather than a healing facility, a place where things are stored but not restored, where people come to sit and collect dirt that they didn't have before, a place where accommodations are made for any and everything, a place where the unkept souls are kept with no intentions for the upkeeping them, only to upgrade certain people social and economic status. In this place, the needy are hoarded beyond capacity to generate capital for the needs of greedy men.

Throughout his teachings, Jesus has drawn an inseparable parallel between spiritual and social that one cannot be taught nor existence as separate from the other; when one is truly converted and filled with the Spirit, God dispels these evils of the heart. Compared to what the Devil, through the acts of totalitarianism, feudalism, colonialism, and inhumanism, came to do, and what Jesus came to do are agnostic of each other. Thus, for the Church to commit and align itself with these social isms, means that it has become spiritually out of alignment with God.

Jesus said:

"I am the gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd, and the sheep are not his own. When he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf pounces on them and scatters the flock. The man runs away because he is a hired servant and is unconcerned for the sheep." ~John 10:9-14

In this passage of scripture particularly in verse 10 most teach that these actions are what the Devil wants to do to mankind spiritually but notice how these actions are also the actions of totalitarianism, feudalism, and colonialism. The apostles spoke and wrote to churches in different countries addressing, admonishing, and warning them of specific conditions and things that affected the churches living in specific regions and cultures; how they affect the Church both spiritually and socially. So it is through this blog that I show the connection between the spiritual and the social, where I address not America but the churches in America. If the Church is to have any spiritual impact in and on America, it must begin with truth. That truth starts with realizing that we are not the Church of America we are the Church in America. America took the land. That America's history is not the same and in no way resembles His story. America took freedom, it took lives through genocide, assassinations, and thievery; it used religious niceties to whitewash over the inhumane treatment wrought on humanity in the name of Christ and the Church. God says He knows your works, why you work, and whom you work for, and since you have left your first love and because of whom you have chosen to be employed by, He will remove you, He will demolish the Church for the purpose of reconstruction it for and to His glory. So that the world will see the truth of who Christ is, what he came to do, and where His Church stands. Through demolition, reconstruction happens; as Paul stated, the weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have the divine power to demolish strongholds, to tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And then, through and by this process, the glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house. A house built by and on Christ the solid Rock.

Be well.



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