"Church leaders/shepherds/pastors have allowed the ideology and history of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, churchism, and celebrityism to dictate, formulate, replicate, and reintroduce to the believer as well as to the unbeliever what the Church looks like. While this variant version of the Church has been somewhat stimulating, tantalizing, and alluring emotionally, it is not the Matthew 16:18 version because it has been built on the ideology and idolization of those things, "those things," meaning countryism, colonialism, capitalism, churchism, and celebrityism thus they are not built on Christ, the Son of the living God. Because of this, these Church leaders/shepherds/pastors have conceded their convictions to and given their loyalty to the ideology of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, churchism, and celebrityism; thus, the decisions and direction of the Church are guided by nepotism, cronyism, and pious corporatism rather than by the Holy Spirit."
~Excerpt from RECONSTRUCTION by Ray Mingo
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