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"The seven woes that Jesus gave were not directed at those like the woman caught in adultery nor at the congregation of imperfect believers and nonbelievers who were present to hear this scathing, merciless rebuke He gave. But these seven woes were directed at narcissistic, oppressive, greedy, deceptive religious leaders of the time, leaders who have aligned themselves with an empire possessing the same adjectives. Jesus didn't rebuke these religious leaders privately to preserve their religious sanctity, but he called them out in the presence of those they've oppressed, deceived, and have taken from. This same scathing rebuke is coming to church leaders now, to the so-called "Evangelical Movement," leaders or whatever other religious name they might go under which has been used as the arm of oppression, deception, and greed for a system built on these same attributes. This is not a reconstruction of the country but the reconstruction of the Church leaders, for when the Church leaders have been reconstructed, the Church and country will be too."

Matthew 23, 2 Chronicles 7:17-22, Matthew 24:1-2, Haggai 2:9

~Excerpt from RECONSTRUCTION by Ray Mingo

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