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When those of the faith, especially leaders of the faith, return to the Church that Jesus built (Matthew 16:18), the Church controlled and powered by the promise of the Spirit (John 4:24, John 14:26, John 16:8, Acts 2); when it returns to the teachings of Christ and ceases embracing the wisdom and yielding to the compulsions of men (2 Peter 1:16,1 Corinthians 2:4-15 ), then and only then will the Church be that which He has acquisitioned by his life, death, and resurrection (Acts 20:28-29). Only then will the Church reflect the authenticity of the abundant life by disassociating, disconnecting, and distinguishing itself from this variant of the Church that's consumed only by the abundance of things, whose thirst is never quenched, desires never satisfied, and the consumption and acquisition of corporeal things constantly consumes it.

~Excerpt from 'RECONSTRUCTION' the book by Ray Mingo~

©2023 RECONSTRUCTION by Ray Mingo/All Rights Reserved

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