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In the end, the reality of reconstruction is that the old must be demolished, a demolition that is constructively destructive, one of an epic proportion yet done with tremendous, tedious precision, delicacy, and tactfulness by God's Spirit. Demolition and reconstruction of the Church will be uncomfortable, scary, painful, and messy, creating unwelcome inconveniences for the believer. This process of reconstruction of the Church can appear to be threatening to one's cause, existence, status, power, influence, and profit margin, all of which were the cause of its dilapidation and erosion. It will generate strong resentment and revolutionary resistance to renewal. It will kick up the toxic dust of bad feelings, emotions, and memories caused by dismantling the old structure we have become accustomed. A level of toxicity is so great that when inhaled, it harms both saint and sinner. It will anger church leaders who think that they are the builders, the authors, and the finishers of this faith. and though their names may appear on the front of the Church they are not the Corner Stone. And though all will feel the inconvenience of such an environment caused by this reconstruction process, it will be controlled, contained, and cautioned by the great Reconstructionist, changing the reason for our whys, how, who, what, and where and challenging and exposing the reason for the Church's unwillingness and unwanted need for change; to be that house not built on sand but on the solid Rock.

~Excerpt from RECONSTRUCTION the book by Ray Mingo~

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