David was an adulterer, an assassin and murderer by proxy, an abuser of power, and a liar; with all his wealth, power, and fame, he was pledged by covetousness. Moses was a person struggling with anger, and fear mainly was likely the reason for his becoming a murderer. They say Noah was an alcoholic. And many more patriarchs of the Bible demonstrated faults and weakness on many levels. Leaders try to use these patriarchs' faults and failures as permission or as being ok to be or to commit; they say, 'Surely it's enough grace to cover my sins,' but they use grace to cover up enough of their sins. These patriarchs' faults should not be used as excuses for their sins, nor this absurd notion that God is ok with their actions. They are just stories of men with free will and how God chooses not to control man's free will but tries to influence, and when unable to influence, he moves intricately and tactfully through them. It also shows leaders who possess great wealth, power, influence, or fame are more susceptible to developing a "God complex," narcissistic piety, and a seared conscience and begin using their great wealth, power, influence, or fame for selfish gain and every kind of wrongdoings. To be clear, the one thing these patriarchs/leaders did not do was call their sins right or justify them, or think that they were exempt from their consequences or punishments. They knew their only recourse was to repent and rectify the damage they'd caused. Sure, we ought to feel good about ourselves despite our sins, but not to despise good for our sins. We should look at sin for what it is, not for what it's not, and conversely, we should look at grace for what it is, not use it for what it is not.
These days, leaders are using the flaws of these patriarchs/leaders to teach a doctrine of permission that upholds an ideology and advocacy for one not to feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing/sin. The enemy uses leaders because they have the most significant influence over us; those who were supposed to help, lead, and strengthen us have become the reason for our demise; they become shepherds that scatter the sheep. Unfortunately for the believer, those influencers are pastors, preachers, teachers, and those who are in leadership because Satan knows that sheep will follow the shepherd to the slaughterhouse without questioning their leading.
Sure, we all have sinned and will sin, but this ideology of calling evil good and good evil, calling darkness light and light darkness, calling bitter sweet and sweet bitter, is the teaching of self-indulgent leaders who care nothing for the flock but only for fame and fortune; they are harming the flock not helping them. But Isaiah says woe to those who do so (Isaiah 5:20). With that being said, the greatest threat to the American Church has come from the American pulpits. That threat has not been erased by those with academia, theology, or piety _but has been exacerbated by them (2 Chronicles 7:17-22).
What person who has car trouble (like everyone else) and then takes their car to the Automobile mechanic and then gets mad with the mechanic for telling them everything that's wrong with the vehicle and the possible reason for the problems and then goes to another mechanic to hear something different (church hopping)? We all are a work in progress, but there is no progress in being permissive to the wrong in us. The problem is not so much in what it is but in what we choose to call it and what we choose to treat it as. We should stop using verses like Psalms 51:5, Romans 3:10, and Romans 3:23 as an excuse to stay in a condition but as a reason to seek repair of that condition, to improve on that condition.
In conclusion, James had this to say: " My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins."~ James 5:19-20
But we can't do that if we're covering up sins, ours or other's sins. By bringing someone back to God, you are essentially covering over their past sins through the act of repentance and forgiveness. but choosing to call right wrong and wrong right, or even supporting those who do is why the decline in the Church. We need leaders who live by that and understand that.
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen
Be well, and stay blessed.