The Body (the Church) has become spiritually malnourished by the poisons of the world's processed and GMO foods (doctrines). It has consumed the leaven of the Pharisees. I'm referring to the world's ideology and wisdom, the false teachings, and the hypocrisy of charlatan leaders. Churches no longer consume a diet of sound doctrine in craving the diet of rulers of this world (Daniel 1), a diet of self-ambition, self-centeredness, self-serving, self-obsessiveness, self-absorption, and any other selfish propensity. The Church is in need of a spiritual colonoscopy and a spiritual colonic cleansing to rid the Body of the toxic doctrines of devils (JAMES 4:1-2). The Church is fed spiritual GMOs, a highly processed, high-fatty ideology. Metaphorically and spiritually speaking, believers become addicted to processed sugars and artificial sweeteners that taste good but do nothing nutritionally for the Body, only causing spiritual obesity, spiritual higher blood pressure, spiritual inflammation, and spiritual weight gain. The Church becomes full of spiritual diabetics heading to a spiritual heart attack and stroke. These highly processed and GMO doctrines look, feel, and taste like sound doctrine, but they are not.
This is why the Church must contend for the faith and contend against this man-altered faith. For if the Church merely engages in looking instead of watching, it would not notice what kind of substance it is consuming or is being consumed by until the consequences from the substances it has been consuming, that it has masticated, ingested, and digested have become cancerous to the Body. These doctrines are like altered fruits that look, feel, and taste like fruit but void of the one thing that categorizes it as a fruit___the seed (1 JOHN 3:9, ROMANS 8:9-11).