The Clergy Mob Syndicate is so deeply connected and rooted that even the "Good ones" would never speak out against or expose those who are false prophets, teachers, and charlatan clergy Goodfellas. It's become an accepted, organized, deceptive syndicate, a bunch of made-men kissing the godfather's ring (John 8:44). But they will show their undying allegiance to the Clergy mob while the many are deceived, devoured, exploited, and led astray (John 10:12). Such an allegiance to the rules of this syndicate of "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." speaks to their loyalty to one thing and one thing only, and that is evil. When leaders refuse to speak out against, to namedrop, to snitch on such deception, devouring, exploitation, and disingenuousness of those under the guise of Christian leadership because of some misplaced loyalty, that leader is as guilty and will serve the same sentence and punishment as the lying prophet, false teacher, and charlatan clergypersons. Shepherds are supposed to take care of sheep, not take care of wolves.
©2023 RECONSTRUCTION by Ray Mingo/All Rights Reserved