One of the most pervasive false teachings in the Church is this "let the wheat grow with the tares" theology, which false teachers use to prevent light from shining on their greed, hypocrisy, and false ideologies. It is a form of, if you will, religious leaders' diplomatic immunity. If God were handing out diplomatic immunity to religious leaders and their teachings, Jesus wouldn't have done what he did in Mark 11:15-17 and the religious leaders would not sought to silence Jesus by killing him (vs. 18). If there were such immunity, Jesus would not have rebuke the religious leaders openly in Matthew 23. If there were such immunity, Jesus would not have said what he said in Matthew 24:10-12. God gives no such immunity, no such exemptions. If there were such thing as any immunity existing in God's Church, Paul would not have given the admonishment to young Pastor Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:3-7, nor would John have said what he said in 1 John 2:18–22. If there were such immunity, this "see but don't tell" theology, Peter would not have written to believers what's in 2 Peter 2, and Jude wouldn't have warned believers about these greedy charlatans, these self-absorbed, narcissistic church leaders. Wherever, whenever, and however you read Scriptures from beginning to end, you will see that no such immunity exists; you will see that this "wheat grow tares" is not the allowance of false preachers and teachers or any sin for that matter but of the reality of there existence in the world.
In conclusion, Paul said in 1corinthians 3:12-13 that a fiery test, a fiery judgment, a fiery building inspection will be done on earth by the heaven Inspector (God) on and of anyone who helped build the "Church of Christ" here on earth; God will see if the building materials (preachings and teachings) are high quality (truth) or poor (false teachings, teachings that distort and mislead) quality material. If I were preaching a sermon, I would use the analogy of the story of the Three Little Pigs. It would be fitting. The time of harvest is here.