God is walking through this society, this social burial ground, this cemetery countryism, colonialism, capitalism, and churchism, through its graveyard of greed, exploitation, deception, and self-ambitions; he will walk up to the plot, toss away the immortelle and kick over the headstone with the inscription "HERE LIES THE CHURCH. "He is digging deep through the soil of ideology of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, and churchism, pulling out and breaking open the coffin that holds the body (the Church), puncturing into its lifeless body, extracting all of the ideology of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, and churchism that it has been embalmed with that only preserve its dead body. God will say to this body and say to them, 'You have been dead for so long; now hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God: "Surely I will cause my breath to enter into you, and you shall live. He will do as He did in the time of creation, breathe into that body His Spirit, and the Church will live again, looking quite different from the Church that was buried in the cemetery of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, and churchism beneath the soil of greed, exploitation, deception, and self-ambitions. O death of the ideology of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, and churchism, where is thy sting? O grave of greed, exploitation, deception, and self-ambitions, where is thy victory? The sting of death is greed, exploitation, deception, and self-ambitions, and the strength of it is the ideology of countryism, colonialism, capitalism, and churchism. We will have victory only through the Church that Christ built, not this variant of the Church. He will then walk out of this social cemetery of death, closing its gates forever, and those leaders who allowed such death will lay in an eternal dark grave.