The problem in the American Church, I think, is that we have blind leaders, and might I say willfully blinded, if they can't see that the greatest threat to the Church in these last days has come from those who stand in the pulpit. This 'good old boys' clergy frat club becomes angry at those who try to open the eyes of others to this truth. They say things like, "There's a way to do things.", which essentially means to "shut up about it." However, in politics and human justice, silence makes one complicit, especially if that one is a leader. And so, it is with church leaders; their silence makes them complicit in false doctrine, error, hypocrisy, exploitation, and the subjugation of the flock. I know that there are those of the cloth, of the clergy, that will be offended by such imputation, but if their discernment takes them to or points to anything beyond that, if their cowardliness makes them freeze under pious pressure, if the blatancy of what they see only makes them put their hands over their eyes peeking through their fingers every now-and-then to watch the highest peak of hypocrisy and the carnage of the flock, then so be it. Be offended. Pastors and preachers admonish their parishioners to take responsibility for community and civic duty, that if they see something, say something. Yet, they see and know of the deceitfulness of those who take to the pulpit, and they say nothing. Pastors and preachers have a responsibility and a duty, too, and it is to the care of the flock, not the flock, to care for them. The American Church is distracted and scattered because of this role reversal of the responsibility and duty of sheep and shepherds and the shepherd's loyalty to institutional clergyism instead of to the sheep. Because of this, Jude said that their fall and those who follow them would be as great as those who did not keep their first estate but left it to pursue their own ambitions. But they left their own habitation as those who did not maintain their original position or role and abandoned their designated place for whom they will be reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day. I think the American pulpit has mistreated, misled, misused, disrespected, exploited, and abused God's precious flock and has discouraged potential flocks as well. God has had enough of this institutionalism; Reconstruction is coming.
Matthew 15:12-14
Be well and stay blessed.